The Traffic Secrets — Learn How To Be An Online Magnet

Traffic is the gasoline… Put more gasoline to see more fire.

Assaad Jmal, PhD
4 min readAug 23, 2021
Photo by Evgeniya Litovchenko on Unsplash

Intro (Why Traffic is important?)

More and more people are becoming aware of the power of internet marketing, in terms of generating sustainable passive income. In this context, whether people are doing affiliate marketing, or selling their own products on the internet, they need to drive traffic.

If you’re not sure what we mean by this term, Traffic is simply the flow of visitors to your web page, the flow of potential customers who will see your product or service.

The key to success in an internet marketing business is traffic. It’s the reason why many people fail at building their stream of online income. It’s the main reason why they’re not making enough sales and they’re not catching enough leads; they’re not getting their business in front of enough people.

Introducing the “Traffic Secrets” Book

image provided by Russell Brunson

Some weeks ago, before writing these lines, I discovered an exceptional reference on the web: The Traffic Secrets book. This one, by Russell Brunson, opened my eyes when it comes to traffic.

In any field, people shall educate themselves before taking action, and this applies to generating traffic too. This is critical mainly when it comes to paid traffic.

You don’t want to lose your money on some paid traffic programs, and then realize that it’s not quality and targeted traffic.

And the idea of putting money into any type of traffic can sound scary if you don’t know what you’re doing, but in the Traffic Secrets book, you’ll learn the good practices and how to efficiently invest your money.


Do you want to discover the SECRETS to building a HIGH-PROFIT Blog?… If YES, grab your FREE copy of the “SIX FIGURE BLOGGING” eBook, here.

The book also explains how to have different distributions of traffic. It shouldn’t be just ads, shouldn’t just Facebook, shouldn’t be just Youtube…

What’s inside the “Traffic Secrets” Book?

Russell’s book explains +20 unknown secrets to get tons of traffic to any website or funnel. Here are some of these secrets:

  • How to find exactly where your dream customers are HIDING online, so you can find them and pull them into your funnels.
  • How to get your dream customers to STOP dead in their tracks (even if they’re crazy busy, or scrolling through a sea of your competitors) and pay attention to your offer.
  • The best kind of traffic on the planet! (and the best way to protect your business from any kind of Google or FB algorithm changes that come your way)
image provided by Russell Brunson
  • The key to getting partners, to not only promote your products for you, but also to return your calls, respond to your emails, and get excited to send you their traffic for FREE.
  • How to get tons of FREE traffic from other people’s platforms who already have your dream customers.
  • A quick 3–5 minute daily strategy that helps you get your dream customers on social media that aren’t following you yet (and discover the patterns that make them follow and engage with you).
  • How to leverage Google to get your customers to find you, instead of you chasing after them (even if they don’t know who you are, and aren’t actually searching for you… yet).

The physical printed book is gifted by Russell Brunson for FREE! You’ll just pay the shipping cost, which is about 10$.

>> You can access the Traffic Secrets book here <<

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Assaad Jmal, PhD

I am a Blogger, Freelancer, and Digital Marketer. I am also an Assistant Professor, with a Ph.D. degree, and the author of several scientific papers.